National Qualification Verification Services (NQVS)

NQVS provides free verification of Nigerian academic qualifications.

Are you a student or a graduate from our partner universities?

How it works

Obtain a Unique Identification Code


NQVS issues a unique identification code (UIC) for each record held on the system for graduates from partner universities.

Register on NQVS platform


Users of the verification system will need to register to verify candidates degree. Once registered, a confirmation email will be sent to the email address that was registered.

Verify candidate's qualification


Click the link in the email to complete the registration process. Users will be taken back to the NQVS website. Enter the Unique Identification Code. Press the Search button and the search result will be displayed on-screen.

About NQVS

NQVS is the only centralised portal where Nigerian academic qualifications can be verified for FREE.

NQVS collaborates with Nigeria institutions of higher learning to process the academic award of each graduating student.

NQVS can NOT be used by students to verify or modify their own awards. Verifiers must obtain a valid UIC from each candidate before a degree can be verified on the NQVS system.




The HireRight’s 2017 employment screening benchmark report

According to the report up to 85% of job applicants’ CVs are falsified. Employers can use NQVS service to stop this abuse.

QVS against fraud

NQVS is working with partner Nigerian universities to securely verify qualifications online.

Bogus degree mills

Degree mills offer bogus certificates for sale from international universities. NQVS partner universities will always provide their students with a Unique Identification Code.

Reputation management

Reputation management is very important to any academic institution. The NQVS system protects the reputation of partner universities because. Only qualifications with a corresponding unique identification code are legitimate and can be trusted.